New Release!

“Too Many to Count”


Public Release Date:
November 22, 2023



WHOA NELLY did this one take some time. Another serious labor of love, I hope you enjoy my next public-release-single offering for the Holly Frost project: Too Many to Count!

This was originally a song I wrote during the 2021 30 Songs in 30 Days challenge, and has been in heavy rotation every holiday season since. This one definitely bridges the gap between Fall songs and Winter Holiday songs so you could really put it into either category… for this reason, I tend to refer to it as my “Thanksgiving” song.

A little bit Irving Berlin, a little bit Gene Autry, and a little bit Peggy Lee/Doris Day, here’s my cutesy classic-country/western-swing production take on this one…

I played everything on this one except for the snare drum and the “clopping” blocks for the second half (got Eduardo to sit in for that 😜).

Because this one took so gosh darned long to complete, I’m not sure if it will be actually live in time for Thursday festivities because of the distribution services review process… though it has been submitted for official release tomorrow, November 22. It might take a few days to go up everywhere 🤷‍♀️

But at least you have it now! Hope you love it. 🥹


Thank you so much for your support ❤️ ❤️ ❤️



November ‘23: New Song


Hello November!