October ‘23: New Song

“By the Light of the Blood Red Moon”


Prompt: blood red moon
Submission of Member: Skye Z



It’s the most hallowed time of the year and I couldn’t resist getting another “halloween”-ish song in the books for this month.

Fortunately, I had a perfect prompt from Skye, “blood red moon.”

I was really stumped on story/context for this one but let myself be led into vampire territory - since I have at least one Frankenstein-monster song, a couple Sleepy Hollow songs, and a good amount of devil/ghost songs, it was either vampire or werewolf… I guess? … and honestly, I’m pretty surprised I haven’t written a vampire song yet considering how obsessed I’ve always been with vampire lore.

The next challenge was to get this song to sound not-too-like the others, since I’m basically hundreds of songs into my career now and the danger is now going to be forgetting what I’ve already done and re-writing it maybe. It definitely sounds a bit like “alone at midnight” and “a devil unknown” so I kept trying to figure out different ways of working the melodies to make them a little different. But, under the gun, I’m fairly happy with it, considering. I also liked the “play” of an ever-so-slight-reference to the 1909 song, “By the Light of the Silvery Moon” with this title.

I’ll be playing this one and a few other “new” songs I’ve managed to add to my book since our last Vault-get-together (managed to get quite a few in this year for Halloween!) tomorrow just for you at 3pm ET.

Until now I had been planning to do tomorrow’s event via Zoom, but after getting some feedback from some of you, and considering it further, I think it will be easier and less pressure for you, probably, to just continue doing them via Private YouTube Live links. This also allows me to continue to post the replays without anyone having to worry about showing their face or other privacy concerns. Sorry for waffling on that, but thought better of it at the last moment. The link for tomorrow’s event is below, or, as always, as your concert/events page here at the Vault.

Also, to celebrate the last Friday of October, I would like to host our first-ever Holly-Frost-Page Crooner Coffee Hour on Facebook this Friday 10/27. Because we’ve been doing regular Crooner Coffee Hours a little earlier (11am ET) over on Twitch than we used to, we’ll have to start extra early on FB (about 10am ET) to make it to our Twitch event on-time-ish.

The new link for tomorrow (10/25 3PM ET):

The link for the Halloween Facebook CCH Party (10/27 10AM ET):

Hope you can make it to one of these so we can properly celebrate!



Feel free to drip some more prompts into the prompt well!
you can submit them here.


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Hello October!