“Holding My Breath”
(song written on May 26, but published to Patreon on May 31)
Hey guys! I gotta admit, this round was kinda tough to feel inspired. I've been missing my ukulele lately and then just realized it had been in a closet, very easy to see, for this whole time and I just hadn't really *looked.* Since I had it out I thought it would be fun to try to write something on it since it has suffered months of neglect.
Of course, I love writing little sad ukulele songs so this one kind of takes that tone. I was initially using the prompt "foaming at the mouth" where that would have been the refrain... but even though I have heard that phrase used in reference to "craving" or wanting something in addition to, alternately, being used for anger... a quick google search schooled me that the proper use for it is only the anger use, so "holding my breath" was substituted.
The prompt I ended up using instead was "icebreaker," but in this case "broken ice."
I like to sometimes write little songs that serve more as vignettes, a small window into a larger story, and this is certainly that. These sad ukulele songs remind me of a particular friend I have since lost contact with - and we used to stay up all night talking about sad stuff, playing songs until sun-up. I miss him sometimes but am happy those nights are no longer the highlights of my life.
I hope you like it.
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