30s30d: D20

“My Shadow”

30S30D - D20 - My Shadow.png

Prompt: fight or flight
Submission of Member: Kendall KD




Maybe I’ll feel differently about it tomorrow, but as of this moment, I think this might be the first one in this batch that I probably won’t return to (or, at least, I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to… like to chart it out and perform it for you tomorrow 😭🤣).

The prompt was so great but I think all of my mental and creative energy was just spent for the day, and trying to come up with something within the limited amount of time I had left proved challenging.

I actually rather like the melody line and think it has some seeds of something within it. I’m definitely drawing from my moody Nick Drake/Kings of Convenience sensibilities and it gives me “These Days” vibes somewhat (not that the song is that good, just the vibe).

Today was SO FULL of making good progress towards completion of tasks, but very few tasks actually completed. I hate those days. Typing that, maybe this song is the perfect way to end a day like this - just a thought starting to form, without closure.

Among the incomplete tasks was setting up the stream event for tomorrow night for you - unfortunately I never made it that far, so I’ll be creating the link in the early part of the day tomorrow and sending that to you ASAP. But, it’s the same deal as usual - I’ll have the link available for you here and as a blog post, and you can watch it via the private YouTube L ive just like our other Patron-exclusive concerts we’ve done in the past.

Thanks for your patience as I attempt to undertake all these gargantuan tasks at once (…what was I thinking? 🤔)

🖤 Lex


Thank you so much for your support!

There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.



Keyholder Concert - 30S30D: Songs 15-21


30s30d: D19