30s30d: D30
“Still More to Go”
Prompt: a new day
Submission of Member: Scott K
cover art
Okay, last song for 30 Songs in 30 Days. I’m so so so tired. I’m happy it’s over. BUT a lot of good songs came from this endeavor, and I think some other good lessons too.
Another One Big Dark Room song today (my dark-folk sideproject). I really struggled to find an idea to grasp onto, I’m just exhausted and feel dried up still after all this output this month, but recalled that I don’t think we got any country-swingy-6/8 tunes in this batch, and that seemed a good a feel as any for some kind of “closing” song. So that helped grease the wheels…
Gotta jet now because I have to try and chart out as many of these songs as possible in order to perform them for you with some proficiency tonight at our 30 Songs in 30 Days final live-song debut livestream concert. I’ll play songs 22-30 for you LIVE for the first time. (You can find the livestream links in your “monthly concert” or “concert” tab here at The Vault.)
In case you missed when I mentioned this yesterday: I had every intention of still delivering you a cover song like usual this month, but… I’m WIPED OUT, and if I learned anything (not-new) from this venture, it’s that I basically have time-blindness not only with timeline-estimation when planning out a big project like this, but also while I’m hyper focused in task execution mode my sense of time passing completely goes out the window. I hope you don’t mind giving me a pass on the cover song this month -
Hope to see you tonight. Crooner Coffee Hour tomorrow!
🖤 L
Thank you so much for your support!
We need more song prompts in the database, particularly from those who haven’t submitted one yet… please submit some here!
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