
Thank you for joining!

Your membership has been created and a welcome email confirming your subscription is on its way to the address you provided.

Check out a mini-orientation below to start your Vault deep-dive 🙂

To manage your membership, click the black button on the bottom of any window on the site
(or email me at

To browse the contents of The Vault, use the menu below.




Now that you are officially a part of the club, you have a fancy nickname:
Keyholder ✨🗝✨

As a Thank-You for your ongoing support of my art, Keyholders have special access to a TON of exclusive content.

This content is primarily distributed similarly to a blog: I'll post content to The Vault which you can access any time. When something new is posted, you'll also receive an email so you never miss a beat.

Every month, you'll receive a brand-new original song recording, your name listed in the credits of a monthly cover video, and access to an exclusive livestream evening concert just for Keyholders. There's so much more to it than that, though...

Accompanying each new item in The Vault you'll find an essay on the inspiration behind the song, plus a streaming player and links for you to download any audio and any rewards.

(Just an FYI: while I try to spread these deliverables throughout the month,
they might sometimes be posted within the final days of the month.)

Because there's so much to dive into at The Vault, your Vault "home" page is going to be your trusty launchpad. Whether you check in regularly or not, your home page will always have the latest posts as well as handy links to everything else included in your membership.

At the home page, you’ll be able to see the three most recent posts, view a calendar for upcoming events, and stream full playlists of the releases available here at The Vault. If you hear something you like, feel free to download it and keep it for yourself from right out of the streaming player. You can also download audio and other rewards directly from each item’s post. (To see all the past posts, visit “posts” in your home menu.)

To view or download lyric sheets or charts, navigate to those sections on the homepage. Note that if you are not eligible for those rewards, you will not be able to view content on those pages.

Each new monthly original song typically includes a prompt sourced from a Keyholder - so get your ideas in there and let’s use a phrase of yours for a song! You can input your phrase ideas anytime under the “prompt submission” menu item.


Keyholders also have access to an monthly exclusive live stream event included in their membership (at all tiers). These events typically take place on the second-to-last, or last, Tuesday of each month at 3PM EST. Navigate to the monthly concerts tab in the menu from anywhere in The Vault to find the upcoming dates, access the links, or even to watch the event while it is live from the direct-embed.


If you ever have any questions, concerns, insights, or ideas for things to add or include - I am here to help. Feel free to email me anytime at (or reply to any of your Vault emails).

Remember this is a monthly subscription platform - I hope you’ll continue on with us for the long-haul, but if your intent was to pledge just once for one single month, it might be a good idea to set a reminder to cancel your subscription before the 25th of this month.

Keyholders can change their pledge amount at any time, so you’re always able to downgrade or upgrade your pledge. If you're in the position to do so, I hope you’ll consider going down a tier before canceling - every little bit makes such a huge difference in my ability to keep making art for you.

Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your patronage, and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions via email.




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