30s30d: D22
Prompt: fields of bluebonnets
Submission of Member: Ken P
Getting this one in JUST before the sorta deadline… I mean, I try to get it in no later than midnight, but I guess “midnight” in the contiguous US states is probably fine 🤣
This is definitely another one for One Big Dark Room, and I kinda like that it has an almost art-song thing to it.
Sort of a love song to Texas, like, “thanks for bringing my beloved to me!”
In case you missed the announcement in the discord earlier, I just have way WAY too much to do that I’m behind on (and, actually, Eduardo needs some drum time RIGHT at that time, so it’s not entirely me), that I’m going to have to cancel our lunchtime hang tomorrow on Twitch. I’m SO sad about it but I’m trying to be responsible and make a decision that will ultimately serve our community better by following through on ALL THE THINGS!
See you Friday for Crooner Coffee Hour on Facebook!
Thank you so much for your support!
There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.
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