January ‘22: New Song
Since January ended up becoming a kind of “moorhaunter” month for me, it made the most sense to get another song in that catalogue to use on the streams. (If none of that last sentence made sense to you, I wrote a lonnnnng post about what I wanted to focus on for the start of the year, and the primary creative interest was to put some love and attention into a long-neglected project of mine called moorhaunter.)
There are probably at least several reasons why getting a song done this month was challenging for me, but dang this one was tough! Maybe I wrote too much last year, I’m dried up, and haven’t refilled the well enough (many writers would scoff at this suggestion)? Maybe I’m out of practice? Maybe there was too much of a learning curve with some of the new music programs I’ve been trying to get a handle on while working up material for the new moorhaunter channel? I’m happy for the opportunity, however, to stretch out and have to learn some new things, and I think that after some of these initial growing pains it’ll get easier and more fun. I’m looking forward to it. I used to spend A LOT of time learning and practicing production skills and producing my own demos but over the years I got too busy and the luxury of having seemingly endless hours to work on recordings became a distant memory. I still don’t really have that, but I’m trying to prioritize creative time a little more into my schedule.
I didn’t really wait until the last minute to put this together, but I didn’t end up “finishing” this until today, and I thought it’d make the most sense to get a live version of it to share with you rather than do two separate recordings sessions - so this is a live take from tonight’s livestream.
The moorhaunter streams will start to slow down now as I reincorporate the other two (original) channels into my schedule. Tomorrow night will be our first One Big Dark Room livestream event of 2022, and the return of Crooner Coffee Hour (my four-years-running-FB-live show) this coming Friday. Though we still have two more moorhaunter streams to go before we get into the longterm schedule will be starting in March (“Lex Land” livestreams on Monday, Thursday, and Friday with rotating Vault, Moorhaunter, and One Big Dark Room on each Tuesday). Jeeeez can you believe we’re already talking about the END of Q1?! So next week I think will actually be the last chance to catch it until then!
I’ll be doing a special live performance in NYC in the middle of February, so we’ll restart the Lex Land twitch events (starting with Disney Night) on 2/21. Incidentally, our Vault concert for February will take place on the following day (2/22/22).
That all probably sounds like a lot if you don’t regularly join us for the events - don’t worry, the current schedule for February is available at your Vault homepage and at http://lexlandmusic.com
Enjoy the spooky jam…
Thank you so much for your support!
There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.
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