Concert Date Change

new date: 04/25/22


04/18/2022 UPDATE: This month’s Vault concert has been pushed to the following Monday, 4/25/22!

Writing today to check in - April has been C.R.A.Z.Y. For me. Anyone else feeling the hyperspeed of the return of the "old normal?" I definitely am.

It feels a little like I went from 0-100 in the span of a couple weeks with live music opportunities coming back into the fold. I've been very careful up until now to not overburden myself in order to keep up with all of my commitments, but somehow the days started slipping away from me and now I'm in “holy hell everything is on fire” 911-catch-up mode.

In the spirit of that, I've made the difficult and painful decision to move around some of our scheduled events. Our Vault concert will now take place next Monday, 4/25 instead of tomorrow night.

This will take the slot of our normal Disney Night, so we’ll have to put Disney Night on hold again until May 2.

This way, our first twitch-affiliate Moorhaunter stream and celebration can still occur on April 26 as we had planned. So the Vault Concert will still be a special all-original Moorhaunter set, and then we’ll continue the party the following night, opening up the show to requests and covers to celebrate the affiliation of the Moorhaunter channel!

I'm hoping that I'll be able to recalibrate how I'm processing all the incoming input as I start to get busier. This summer is going to be an exercise in endurance with a new big commitment coming up - so I'm extra grateful for this slower first quarter of this year to revisit all my systems and make sure things are mostly "working."

I’m embarrassed and frustrated that I’m still struggling so much to see what all is on my plate and plan everything out appropriately, so my apologies for waffling on the schedule.

The best way to get the most up-to-date, and up-t0-the-minute updates about our schedule (and if I’m running late, or something is canceled, or if my tech setup went nuclear, etc) is to opt into notifications for the live broadcasts you prefer to watch over in our community forum.

Of course, you’re also able to see a detailed view of all of our upcoming events at any time from your Vault Homepage, or at the “live” tab at my site, which I try very hard to keep current as much as possible.

Our next stream-meetup will be this coming Friday at 11:30am EST for Crooner Coffee Hour. I'm going to forgo a normal Tuesday night stream tomorrow night and use that time block to prep for our upcoming events next week. Can't wait to see you then!

This month’s VAULT concert will now take place on:
Monday April 25

You can watch the embed or find the link to enter via the monthly concert/events tab at the top of this page or from your Vault homepage. (You can also watch find the replay links from past concerts there.)

Here’s a world clock converter to help you calculate your time zone.


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Concert Tonight


Hello April!