Hello May!


April Recap:

  • Penned a new one big dark room song: Hyperion Moon (including a prompt submitted by Keyholder Erin I).

  • Performed the new OBDR song live for the first time (as well as a couple “rare” thematically-related-OBDR-tunes I dug out of the archive) for the folks kind enough to attend the live Vault event for April on 4/16. If you missed it and you’d like to check it out, it’s available in the archive at the bottom of your Vault Events page.

  • All my “discretionary” work blocks were spent in what has become a much-more-arduous process of fulfilling the prizes and packages from the CCH6BD party than I was expecting! I’ve managed to get a few out finally but am now running a couple weeks behind. I’m hoping to be all caught up within the next two weeks. If you’d like to get in on any of the new SUPER limited edition Holly Frost merch, now would be an excellent time so I can include your package in the mix!

Event + Broadcast Schedule:

The LoveLetterMusic calendar is currently complete and correct yet again! 🤣 so all the dates and links and have been set up for ya 😉

Crooner Coffee Hour continues in its normal time slot (Friday mornings 11am ET), and our monthly Vault Livestream Event will take place on May 21. (These are happening as scheduled on THIRD Tuesdays of each month, just FYI.) The link is available at the Events tab. I decided I’d like to try to put this recurring event back into an evening slot to see if a few more folks can make it, so for the foreseeable future I’ll start them at the old evening time (9PM ET).

Of course, the best way to know what’s happening with live broadcasts is to opt-in to notifications in our Discord Server.

Long range plans and general update:

After I finish up the CCH 6BD packages, I have carefully and very thoughtfully devised an aggressive (and, yeah, possibly too ambitious, but, shhhh…) plan for digging back into getting recordings and other content published 🎉

I am EXTREMELY excited about the prospect of this, as the goal is to get you at least two fresh pieces of content (Holly Frost exclusively, I think, for now) each month, while getting some stuff permeated into the rest of the internetsphere. While you will definitely be getting deliverables (hopefully great stuff at a breakneck pace if I’ve planned well enough and can keep some momentum going) here at The Vault, I might take a break from writing new original songs until I get a little bit ahead of my schedule. I don’t think you’ll miss them with what I have planned…

Pumped to have a TRUE Debut Night where I can have some cool new stuff to share with you the evening of May 21 🎇

I would also love to get a head start on preparing for 7 Songs in 7 Days 2024 (coming up in September), and as much preparation as I can manage for all the fun stuff that generally happens in Q4 (Halloween, Black Friday, Holidays, etc)! Making progress at this point on any of these items would be bonus, but it sure would be nice to be ahead of the game ☺️

Our May
will take place:
May 21, 2024
at 9PM ET

you can enter through the
events/concert tab





rewards access:

lyrics charts discography


Debut Night: Tonight!


April ‘24: New Song