April ‘24: New Song
“Hyperion Moon”
I'm sad to admit that I was feeling REALLY unsinspired and resistant to writing, but, you know, I guess that's why I have this system in place, to force me into it occasionally and keep the skill sharp-ish.
One song a month has been a good pace for me, long enough to “refill the well” some and have some life experience, but not so long that I feel all rusty when I get back to it. I did write a song every week for several years, so while this is definitely more manageable than that, I do struggle sometimes to get motivated to write something when I have such a huge catalog of things that need to be recorded still... but, alas, a conversation for another day.
So, I was struggling. I've been trying really hard to stay in a good mental place so I have been sort of intentionally avoiding digging too deep into darker feelings and thoughts, but I've been doing SO MUCH Holly Frost work lately I couldn't stomach tackling something swingy again.
I tend to hum out little ideas into my voice memos whenever something pops into my mind, so without any new ideas at my disposal during my writing session, I dug into those and found a melody idea that felt kind of interesting.
In the prompt lotto I pulled "Hyperion Moon" - a prompt from Erin I which I actually tried really hard to write something for during "30 songs in 30 days," but after an hour or two of trying various things, nothing feeling right, and the daily deadline looming, I scrapped the tiny bit I had and selected something else so I could turn something in on time.
I knew that when this prompt came up again I'd try to give it a spookier vibe like I had originally intended (a nod to the mysterious nature of a celestial being). Hyperion is the name of one of Saturn's moons, and it's called such after one of the Titans from Greek Mythology, "the god of watchfulness and observation." With this in mind, I considered (slash basically made up) that perhaps being in the shadow of "an Hyperion moon" could possibly be a moment of reflection of observance of oneself and ones’ past experiences, so that sort of became the central theme of this particular tune.
Truthfully, I struggled the whole time writing it and eventually resigned to the fact that not everything I write is supposed to be good - I just get lucky kind of often. However, the more I cleaned it up and arranged it, I actually like it a little better now at the end of the polishing process. Probably not my favorite, but not totally embarrassing either, so I'll take it. 😜
I think it fits well into a the "rare" category of One Big Dark Room songs, and might be nice around Halloweentime. 🦇
I'll select a couple other "rare" OBDR songs to play during our debut event for this new song (the monthly Vault-exclusive broadcast which takes place every third Tuesday), which, for this month, is tomorrow, 4/16 at 3pm ET.
The link is currently available at the “concert” tab and on your home page.
Hope to see you then!
Thank you so much for your support!
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