‘Kink Week’ Continues!


I’m spending a few days in a row working out the kinks of the new tech setup for live web broadcasts by giving myself a little “daily dose”-bootcamp I’ve been internally referring to as “kink week” 😉 It’s been super fun getting to reconnect with you and play through some of these great songs from my master book!

So this is just a quick note to make sure you knew we’ve actually got two events today - a little Crooner Coffee Hour -style all-songs-from-the-list request “hour” (though they’ve usually run about two hours) later this morning (Monday June 12), and the return of Disney Night (Mouseketeer Monday!) - both at the new-and-improved HollyFrostSwings twitch channel.

Would love to see you if you want to pop by!

Today’s events:

Crooner Coffee Hour -style Twitch stream: 12pm ET to 1 or 2pm ET

Mouseketeer Monday on Twitch: 8pm-9:30pm ET

both at the Twitch home under my new moniker “Holly Frost”
(if you missed the big announcement about that, you can find it here.)

Here’s the link>>>


rewards access:

lyrics charts discography


June ‘23: New Song


New Me, Who’s This?