June ‘23: New Song

“It Was a Light”


Prompt: your light led me home
Submission of Member: Angela E



I wrote this one early in the month and had big ambitions to get a nice recording of it and doing some overdubs for this deliverable, but unfortunately I just have way too much on my plate and I wanted to get this delivered since it’s been hanging over my head. Alas.

This one was inspired by my Los Angeles days with The Wolf (Shane) and how in lots of ways it was sort of awful but in lots of ways it was also great. And part of what made it great was having a special friend to be young with and to share the hard times with.

I rather like this one, I think, and hope I get some time eventually to flesh out some of my musical ideas for it. But it’s a nice little song.



There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.


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‘Kink Week’ Continues!