30s30d: D29
“Pattern Interrupt”
Prompt: midnight chaser
Submission of Member: Rebecca L
We’ve got another One Big Dark Room song today (my dark-folk sideproject). This one definitely has some influences of some musician friends: one Rebecca Loebe and presumably because she submitted this prompt (thanks, B!), but also because she has a knack for writing songs that are just darn hooky and easy to sing along to, and the other Danny Malone who happens to write a lot of vulnerable yet very very catchy songs about mental health and substance abuse issues. So here’s my weird little merger of those ideas into an OBDR tune. Again, I wouldn’t be surprised if I pulled some of this from a “real” song that might exist already somewhere else, but I wouldn’t know for sure until you told me.
I was actually really excited and feeling giddy while I was writing this one, like excited to finish it and to have it for the future. My enthusiasm waned a bit because it was really challenging to execute well enough to get in one live take for this phone-demo, though, so the bridge onward is not as well executed as I would have liked for you to have at first listen. However, the night is progressing and I need to move on to getting this “shipped” and other things, like sleep (or, at least, an attempt at sleep).
Tomorrow is a big exciting day community-wise: it’s our LAST day of 30 Songs in 30 Days. It will be the last day for people to get a rainbow pin (if you’re reading this, you’re good). We’ll also have our lunchtime stream where we just hang out and talk for about an hour, and then I’ll take your requests for a couple hours after that. Tomorrow evening, we’ll have our 30 Songs in 30 Days final live-song debut evening livestream concert, where I’ll play songs 22-30 for you LIVE for the first time. (You can find the livestream links in your “monthly concert” or “concert” tab here at The Vault.)
During tomorrow’s lunchtime stream I have a couple things I’m looking forward to talking about, the primary topic will be the plans for Lex Land/One Big Dark Room releases for 2022, which I’d love your feedback on if you’d like you come join us and are available.
As one final thing… I had every intention of still delivering you a cover song this month, but… I’m tired, y’all. Tomorrow is going to be chock-full of work for me basically from the moment I wake up until I crash out after the Vault concert (not entirely unlike how the rest of the month has been)- so I hope you’ll be okay with giving me a pass this once…
Hope to see you tomorrow sometime,
🖤 L
Thank you so much for your support!
We need more song prompts in the database, particularly from those who haven’t submitted one yet… please submit some here!
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