30s30d: D6

“Waiting for the Wrong One”

30S30D - D6 - Waiting for the Wrong One.png

Prompt: I used to love kissing mistakes
Submission of Member: Joanna L




This was another tough one, just still feeling SO sleep deprived and like I’m grasping at straws just for my neurons to fire and connect. Words and phrases barely coming together, I feel like I can barely stand vertically. REALLY need to sleep…

In transparency, I’ve been prioritizing prompts from folks who have already moved over to The Vault so far for this year’s prompts. We still have (holy shit) 24 songs (and thus prompts) to go, so there’s still plenty of time for your prompt to be used in this month’s songwriting challenge.

I’ll try to get at least one from everyone who has submitted a prompt to the base. There are technically 5 times as many currently active Patrons are there are days left, but I think only about 12 different people have submitted prompts so far - so your chances are good if you want to submit one! Chances are even better if you move over to The Vault sooner rather than later.

The prompt submission link is at the bottom of this page.

This was such a great prompt and it was so perfect for a “first-line” - you kinda want something (ideally) that hooks people into the story or that sets up the tone/"thesis” or emotional perspective of the narrator of the tune right off the bat if/when possible.

I’m feeling so physically and emotionally drained but I loved the “flipping” rhythm and rhyme scheme of this. It’s a little bit swingy, but also kinda folky/pop so I wasn’t sure how to categorize this one at first… but then the refrain reminded me so much of early Coldplay that that, for me, designated it into “One Big Dark Room” territory.

Not sure how I feel about this one yet - it’s fun to sing and it’s pretty. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be more impressed with it? 🤷‍♀️

Like I said yesterday - it’s totally okay if every one of these 30 songs aren’t “great” (or even fully developed, really), the point is just to ship something.

Thank you so much for your support so far. I can’t wait to hear what your favorites are/were at the end of this.


It came up on Friday during Crooner Coffee Hour, because someone wanted to hear one of the new songs live…

Historically, we’ve done a special concert at the end of 7 Songs in 7 Days where I would play all those songs live for the first time during that event, and not before.

It doesn’t seem reasonable to do a full show of all 30 songs this year, so viewers from Friday suggested we have a weekly livestream event where I’ll play all the songs from the previous week for the first time live during that - that would be exclusive to current Keyholders (and Patrons).

Since tomorrow is Day 7, maybe we do it then? This is all new territory for me.

So keep your ear to the ground, I think we might do a special livestream event tomorrow night.

I’ll post the link in the “concerts” page and also send you an announcement.
Hopefully I can get a seventh song done early enough tomorrow! 😭

btw, I was just telling Ian (the “lex land” brand art director) how crazy it feels that any other year, we would be almost done and only have one more song to go, but this year it feels like we’re just getting started!!! totally wild.

talk soon…


Thank you so much for your support!

There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.


rewards access:

lyrics charts discography


Keyholder Concert


30s30d: D5