30s30d: D9
“When is Done Really Done?”
Prompt: Billie-Holiday-sad
Submission of Member: Bryan N
OH BOY! The first NINE DAYS have FLOWN, my goodness!
I know a lot of that has been because I've been burrowed so deeply in setting up The Vault- because normally just the typical 7 days seems like such a huge accomplishment... yet here we are barely getting to the 1/3 mark...
At first I was scared of trying to use this prompt, but then as I was ruminating on it, it fit right into a phrase into my mind that made me kinda smile. It was just about time, I think(!), for an angsty One Big Dark Room song a là Never Fell in Love With Me or More Than That. So here we go!
Definitely has some similarities to the latter, and it feels extra rough in this very nascent stage. I'm looking forward to recording a nicer demo of it after it's had some time to settle in my brain, and I think it has some nice hook-y melodic moments. It's got some potential to be a cool live-show moment if OBDR ever makes an IRL comeback 🙃
In other news, check out this mockup of the anniversary pin for this year’s challenge! (VaultLaunch+30Songs30Days) 😱
Last year we started a tradition by including a limited-edition “key” lapel pin (in silver for the first year) for Members who moved to or joined up at the $7 tier (or higher) during the big songwriting-challenge/pledge-drive month.
Each year during the drive, a special pin is offered only to eligible members, with the color of the pin varying by year. I probably ought to have saved the rainbow pin for, like, 10 years down the line, but since we are doing 30 SONGS for the first time AND we are launching The Vault this year, I really wanted to commemorate 2021 in a special way.
If you’d like a commemorative pin, simply upgrade your monthly pledge to the Listener ($7/month) Tier - even for one month - or opt into ANY annual tier at The Vault before the end of the drive - September 30, 2021!
I will only be “printing” these pins for eligible members, so only the mockup exists currently (and there will be no ‘extras’ 😭). They will ship in late November/early December and will never be available ever again for any other reason that I can currently foresee.
Personally I am SO excited to have one of these just for myself because they are going to be 🌟amazing🌟
Enjoy the new tune - looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
As always, our little community will have a gathering spot tomorrow at 10:30am CST on Facebook Live for my longstanding morning show Crooner Coffee Hour (est. 2018) - come submit a request, have a cup of coffee with us, and let me know what you think of The Vault so far!
Thank you so much for your support!
There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.
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