Concert Tonight

Keyholder January Livestream

The Debut of “Debut Night!”


This month’s Keyholder Concert (Vault-exclusive evening livestream) is happening tonight!

Join me tonight for a few fun segments featuring first-time live performances of all the newest stuff, updates, and previews of what’s to come…

Click this link to enter, or watch from the embed below
or at the monthly concert/events tab

You can also watch replays of past concerts the monthly concert tab.
and last approximately one hour.

Here’s a world clock converter to help you calculate your time zone.

General Info about the Monthly Concerts:

Each month, Keyholders have access to a special evening livestream that is different in format from the free livestreams that happen the rest of the month online.

Keyholder concerts typically include the live debut of that month’s newest original song(s), cover songs, other releases, plus updates and polls about what should happen next. Sometimes they have a special theme, or a featured guest.

All the proposed dates for 2023 have been posted in your monthly concert tab, on your VAULT Homepage, and the Lex Land event calendar. But, of course they are subject to change as life happens… )

They are administered through a Private YouTube Live link that is distributed to active Keyholders each month through announcement and reminder posts/emails, and will also be available from The Vault in the monthly concert tab.

In order to comment in the chat during the live event, you will need a YouTube account. You do not, however, need a YouTube account just to watch the event.

If you’re a member of our community forum and opt-in to Vault notifications, you’ll also receive push notifications on the day of the event (an early one to remind, one a little before we start, and once we’re live, usually).

To watch the event, simply click this link (or come to this page for the video embed) and tune in around the start time of the show!

Tips/donations are not at all expected or required during these events, since these concerts are an extra “thank-you” from me for your monthly support.

However, if you feel called to throw some love into “the jar,” links are:

venmo: @lexlandmusic


Here’s the updated calendar which you can view to check out the upcoming events - though it’s always available on the homepage of my website


rewards access:

lyrics charts discography


Hello February!


January ‘23: New Song