March ‘22: New Song

“On and On”


Prompt: casting long shadows
Submission of Member: Charlie D

Prompt: haunting memories
Submission of Member: Scott K




Admittedly, I stretched the terms of the prompt-usage on this, in both instances (used two Keyholder prompts in this song), one was on purpose and one was an accident 🤣

I mentioned during our last Vault concert that since my biggest focus so far in 2022 has been showing my ten-year-old and mostly neglected passion project, moorhaunter, some love. So, I thought a good way to cap off that effort would be with an all-moorhaunter-original-song Vault concert for April. With both that approaching, and the always-hovering “add more songs for those broadcasts” driving force, I was definitely in the mood to try to work on a moorhaunter piece for March.

There was about a week where I was out of town visiting some family, and I actually saw some in-town family not long before, and both experiences, as is typical, left me with this deep sorrow and uneasiness - big questions about myself, where I come from, and the types of personality traits(/flaws?) to which I’m predisposed.

Even though I’m not in a return-of-saturn year, I feel as though this last year has really been putting me through the ringer emotionally about who I’ve been, who I want to become, how often I have not acted in alignment with my core values, and, that, incidentally, I have a neurodivergent brain that makes living in that alignment more challenging than for one with a neurotypical brain. There’s more I could go into here on these topics, but I’ll spare you. But, there’s a general outline to give some context behind the lyrical content of this song.

Consider this a groovier part two to the One Big Dark Room song “Worm’s Meat” - how much free will do we have in the context of hereditary trends and the societal conditioning in which we “become” ourselves in our crazy world?

This one is coming a little late because, despite my best efforts at better time-management (starting this project about 2 weeks ago so that it would be ready and posted before I left town on 3/22), there were too many other, more urgent fires which needed extinguishing. I spent several hours while traveling (in the airport, on the plane, etc) and while I had downtime there working on it, but kept hitting blocks of frustration with the limited capacity I had trying to develop ideas on my old decrepit iPad. So once I was able to get home and flesh out my ideas with my full rig it was like starting all over. Then, for reasons about my recording rig that I will ALSO not bore you with now, doing a live performance through the streaming rig is the most time-efficient (though, I’d admit, not the greatest-sounding) way of recording a multitrack effort like this. So I had to do several takes to dial in the performance.

Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy -


Thank you so much for your support!

There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.


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Hello April!


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