February ‘23: New Song

“Over a Drop”


It’s been hard to keep this one sorta secret. I’ve been trying to front load the month with Vault work so I’m not scrambling at the last minute, but this month has been very full with gigs and other commitments, so I’ve had to work on this little by little since I first wrote it way back on February… 6th? Since it’s been a few weeks since then, I don’t recall all the details about how it came together, but I know I was sitting down to somewhat-begrudgingy “do the song” for February and once the chorus started coming together I was like, “oh holy crap, this is cool!” I did kinda do a bad thing, though, by starting the process before I selected a prompt. I realized what I had done a little too late, and then tried to review what we had in the bank but I didn’t feel like there was anything in there that would fit. :/

Once I had a basic form together, I talked it over with Eduardo about possibilities for direction and feel, etc. A few days later I drafted a pretty terrible basic arrangement for it using virtual instruments and playing some guitar riff loops in Ableton, showed it to him so he could get where I was going with it, and we had some good discussions about sounds and feel for possible futures for moorhaunter. Eventually he tracked some ideas and once I approved them, he sent me some stems so I could retrack what I had originally played in my second(?) version of the demo now that the feel was a little more clear.

This is definitely still in demo stage - I had hoped that maybe I could get it a little closer to public-ready but I ran out of time and have to move on in order to stay on schedule. BUT I think this is a good starting point! By “demo” I mean some of the “performances” could be a little more dialed in or lined up a bit better in post, I would have liked to track more vocal takes, and tracked some background vocals, and retracked the scratch guitar lick/loops. I borrowed a bass guitar from my friend Jayme so that’s actually me dusting off the ol’ bass chops for this track, and can I tell you it was SO MUCH FUN to play bass on this. Anyway, that’s probably something else I would have loved to dial in more if I had had more time. In general, the production elements are decent but need to be fine-tuned to really make it sparkle. But I’m happy with where it is for now!

Hope you enjoy this mellow dance-bop.

Our debut DEBUT NIGHT for February will be this Wednesday (2/22) at 8PM EST for those who can make it.
The link is currently available at the “concert” tab above and on your home page.


Thank you so much for your support!

There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.


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Schedule Update!


Hello February!