July ‘23: New Song

“Sleepy Sunday”


Prompt: sleepy Sunday
Submission of Member: Emily T



Despite this month’s song title and that I am posting this song on a Sunday, I’ll have you know I did NOT actually write this Holly Frost song today!

This one came together fairly quickly, though I had to work on it in mostly small bursts over the course of a day (juggling a lot of commitments and managing some big deadlines atm!).

Once I had the prompt I almost immediately had the melody and the vibe/premise in mind… those rare and glorious stay-in-all-day days wasted/spent just catching your breath and relaxing with your loved one(s). This song is most definitely inspired by this 1947 Disney song Lazy Countryside, a song I’ve been playing a lot recently which was my fixation song all last summer. (And undoubtedly also inspired by the hours of Doris-Day-album binging I’ve been doing lately.)

My feeling about it: it’s really nice, and I quite like it. It keeps getting stuck in my head and I find myself wanting to listen to it.

A little distracting since I’m in the weeds prepping for the big LAUNCH DAY this coming Friday 7/28 - where I’m finally going to make the name change/rebrand “public”/official. (If you missed recent posts, I’m working under the gun to get some fresh Holly Frost singles distributed before the big day, somehow, in the midst of a mountain of other things I’m trying to get done.) Why the rush and stress? Well, aside from needing to just go ahead and get a move on with all this (and get some new music out), I’ll be making my first official public appearance as Holly Frost a week from today at a house concert here in Austin, and I just want to have all my ducks in a row.

Unfortunately, I am still behind in that process so I think I will most likely have to forgo tomorrow night’s regularly scheduled Disney Night on Twitch to try to catch up. My plan is to try to have the singles delivered to you by Tuesday or Wednesday, but I’d like to have both tracks at-least-rough-mixed to show you on Tuesday night for this month’s DEBUT NIGHT (our Vault-excuslive live-stream meetup which we have scheduled for this week on 7/25 - you can get info for that here).

I won’t have another “sleepy sunday” for at least a couple more weeks, so this song is a nice musing on a lovely fantasy.
Hope you’re having a beautiful sleepy Sunday yourself!



There’s always room for more song prompts in the database - please submit some here.


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